This module provides Grain bindings to WASM-4, a low-level fantasy game console for building small games with WebAssembly. For a general overview of WASM-4, check our their docs at
Functions and constants included in the Wasm4 module.
_BUTTON_1 : Uint8
_BUTTON_2 : Uint8
_BUTTON_UP : Uint8
_MOUSE_LEFT : Uint16
_BLIT_1BPP : Uint8
_BLIT_2BPP : Uint8
_BLIT_FLIP_X : Uint8
_BLIT_FLIP_Y : Uint8
_TONE_PULSE1 : Uint8
_TONE_PULSE2 : Uint8
_TONE_MODE1 : Uint8
_TONE_MODE2 : Uint8
_TONE_MODE3 : Uint8
_TONE_MODE4 : Uint8
gamepad1 : () => Uint8
Gets the values of the first gamepad.
Wasm4.gamepad1() & Wasm4._BUTTON_LEFT
gamepad2 : () => Uint8
Gets the values of the second gamepad.
Wasm4.gamepad2() & Wasm4._BUTTON_LEFT
gamepad3 : () => Uint8
Gets the values of the third gamepad.
Wasm4.gamepad3() & Wasm4._BUTTON_LEFT
gamepad4 : () => Uint8
Gets the values of the fourth gamepad.
Wasm4.gamepad4() & Wasm4._BUTTON_LEFT
mouseButtons : () => Uint8
Gets the values of the mouse buttons.
Wasm4.mouseButtons() & Wasm4._MOUSE_LEFT
drawColors : (colors: Uint16) => Void
Set the draw colors. The draw colors are a set of 4 indexes into the palette. Drawing functions use these indexes to decide which colors to use, and what to use them for.
It’s a 16 bit value that holds 4 indexes. Bits 0-3 (the least significant bits) hold the first draw color, bits 4-7 hold the second draw color, and so on.
Setting a draw color to 1 means use the palette color 1 for that draw color. The same applies when setting a draw color to 2, 3, or 4.
For example, rect() uses the first draw color for the fill color, and the second draw color as the outline color.
setPalette :
(color1: Uint32, color2: Uint32, color3: Uint32, color4: Uint32) => Void
Set the color palette.
blit :
(sprite: Bytes, x: Uint8, y: Uint8, width: Uint8, height: Uint8,
flags: Uint8) => Void
Copies pixels to the framebuffer.
param | type | description |
sprite |
Bytes |
The raw pixel data stored in either 1BPP or 2BPP format. |
x |
Uint8 |
X position in the destination framebuffer. |
y |
Uint8 |
Y position in the destination framebuffer. |
width |
Uint8 |
Width of the sprite. |
height |
Uint8 |
Height of the sprite. |
flags |
Uint8 |
Flags that modify behavior: _BLIT_2BPP, _BLIT_FLIP_X, _BLIT_FLIP_Y, _BLIT_ROTATE |
blitSub :
(sprite: Bytes, x: Uint8, y: Uint8, width: Uint8, height: Uint8,
srcX: Uint16, srcY: Uint16, stride: Uint8, flags: Uint8) => Void
Copies a subregion within a larger sprite atlas to the framebuffer. Same as blit, but with 3 additional parameters.
param | type | description |
sprite |
Bytes |
The raw pixel data stored in either 1BPP or 2BPP format. |
x |
Uint8 |
X position in the destination framebuffer. |
y |
Uint8 |
Y position in the destination framebuffer. |
width |
Uint8 |
Width of the sprite. |
height |
Uint8 |
Height of the sprite. |
srcX |
Uint16 |
Source X position of the sprite region. |
srcY |
Uint16 |
Source Y position of the sprite region. |
stride |
Uint8 |
Total width of the overall sprite atlas. This is typically larger than width. |
flags |
Uint8 |
Flags that modify behavior: _BLIT_2BPP, _BLIT_FLIP_X, _BLIT_FLIP_Y, _BLIT_ROTATE |
line : (x1: Uint8, y1: Uint8, x2: Uint8, y2: Uint8) => Void
Draws a line between two points.
hline : (x: Uint8, y: Uint8, len: Uint8) => Void
Draws a horizontal line between (x, y) and (x + len - 1, y).
vline : (x: Uint8, y: Uint8, len: Uint8) => Void
Draws a vertical line between (x, y) and (x, y + len - 1).
oval : (x: Uint8, y: Uint8, width: Uint8, height: Uint8) => Void
Draws an oval (or circle).
rect : (x: Uint8, y: Uint8, width: Uint8, height: Uint8) => Void
Draws a rectangle.
text : (string: String, x: Uint8, y: Uint8) => Void
Draws text using the built-in system font. The string may contain new-line (\n) characters.
tone :
(frequency: Uint16, ?slideFrequency: Uint16, duration: Uint16,
volume: Uint8, flags: Uint8) => Void
Plays a sound tone. The high bits of frequency can optionally describe a pitch slide effect.
param | type | description |
frequency |
Uint16 |
Wave frequency in hertz. |
?slideFrequency |
Uint16 |
Wave frequency in hertz to slide up to. |
duration |
Uint16 |
Duration of the tone in frames (1/60th of a second), up to 255 frames. |
volume |
Uint8 |
Volume of the sustain and attack durations, between 0 and 100. |
flags |
Uint8 |
Flags that modify behavior. |
diskr : (size: Uint16) => Bytes
Reads up to size bytes from persistent storage.
type | description |
Bytes |
the number of bytes read, which may be less than size. |
diskw : (bytes: Bytes) => Uint16
Writes up to size bytes into persistent storage.
Any previously saved data on the disk is replaced.
type | description |
Uint16 |
the number of bytes written, which may be less than size. |
trace : (msg: String) => Void
Prints a message to the debug console.